Destiny Cathedral is privileged to have a leadership group that aims to uplift its membership. We are open to your needs and available to help.
Rev. Dr. Paul Patrick
Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Paul Patrick experienced the saving grace of the Lord at age 18 years old in Barbados the country of his birth in 1975. He and his wife Cheryl were married the same year he migrated to the United States in 1979.
Cheryl Patrick
first lady
As the first lady of Destiny Cathedral Cheryl Patrick finds her calling to be challenging and rewarding since human needs are many and diverse.
Rev. Sandra Johnson
Associate Minister
Rev. Sandra Johnson is a wife and mother. She is married to Deacon Sam and they serve together in the Sick and Shut-in Ministry.
Samuel johnson
Being raised in the church and knowing “of” God; Deacon Samuel realized there was something different about him. At age 12 and always praying, he chose to be baptized.
Bernadette Williams
Bernadette Williams, born and raised in NYC, currently lives on Long Island with her family, has been a member of the church since its Queens Christian Centre days. Bernadette gave her life to God twenty-five years ago. Previously serving in the music ministry (vocals), Bernadette now serves as a Deacon and usher.
winston Elcock
Deacon Elcock has been a dependable member of Destiny Cathedral for many years. He was a born-again believer for several years but in 2004 he began attending services with his late wife Avanell.
Shereen Mathies
Board Member
Shereen Mathies has been an active member of Destiny Cathedral for over 10 years. Shereen plays a critical role in several areas of the ministries.
Owen Martin Eager
Board Member
Owen Martin Eager was raised in NYC and surrendered his life to God at the age of fourteen. A long-time and original board member living on Long Island with his family, he was Music Director for the former Queens Christian Centre.